When the going gets tough, it's always important to have legal help on your side. The following are all situations where you might need to seek the services of a Family Law Firm in Melbourne.
Divorce is a legal action that ends a marriage. It can be initiated by one or both spouses and can be contested, meaning the parties must go to court and fight it out, or uncontested, meaning that they reach an agreement outside of court and file for divorce together.
Divorce is not limited to married couples; it's also possible for unmarried partners who are living together as husband and wife to end their relationship through a divorce.
The decision to divorce is a difficult one, and many people spend years contemplating it before taking action. The first step in the process is often deciding whether or not to file for divorce on your own or with an attorney.
Child custody
Child custody is the right to have physical custody of a child. This means that a parent has the right to live with their child and make day-to-day decisions about his or her care. This can also mean deciding where the child will go to school and how he or she will be raised.
When parents cannot agree on custody arrangements, it may be necessary for an attorney from a family law firm to help resolve this issue through negotiation or litigation (court).
Adoption is the legal process that gives a child a new family. It's complex and requires the help of an experienced lawyer.
Adoption can be done through an agency, or privately with no agency involvement at all. Either way, your lawyer will help you understand the process and prepare the necessary paperwork.
You may want to adopt a child because you are unable to have children, or because your child cannot live with them due to health problems. You may also want to adopt a child from another country. In this case, you will need an immigration lawyer as well as an adoption lawyer.
Domestic abuse
It’s important to note that even if your spouse did not cause any physical injuries, they were still committing domestic violence by threatening or attempting to harm you in any way.
Although many victims do not sustain visible injuries from domestic violence, the effects of psychological abuse can be just as traumatic for them—even more so than physical trauma because it lingers long after the incident has ended.
In fact, psychological abuse may actually cause more harm than physical violence does because it often takes place over time rather than all at once like an assault or battery would; thus leaving victims feeling isolated from others who might otherwise offer support through difficult times such as these.
In conclusion, family law is a complex and emotional area of the law. If you are dealing with divorce, child custody, adoption or domestic abuse issues, consult the right Family Law Firm Melbourne.