Filing a domestic violence restraining order or divorce case can be overwhelming and stressful, but you don't have to face it alone. If you're planning to get a family lawyer in Melbourne to help you fight your case, it's important to choose the right one. Here are some tips on how to find the right family lawyer for your needs.
Do Proper Research
Domestic violence may seem like a minor offense, but it has the power to ruin both your personal and professional reputation. Therefore, it's a good idea to do some research into which family lawyer in Melbourne is best suited to your case. Before you hire, make sure you ask each candidate about their domestic violence experience and referrals from clients in similar situations. Not all lawyers are equally knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to dealing with domestic violence cases; it's important that you select one who has the specialized training, if possible. If you have any doubts about your lawyer's expertise, don't be afraid to ask if they know of any other family lawyers in Melbourne who can handle your case instead.
Understand Your Situation
The best way to find a good family lawyer is to have a good understanding of your situation. If you're filing for divorce, do you want sole custody or joint custody? Do you need an emergency restraining order? Does your spouse own property? How much does it cost to file and serve a petition? Having a clear idea of what your lawyer will be doing for you can help when choosing which one is right. Being aware of all potential future legal expenses is important as well. Get in touch with family and friends in similar situations and ask them about their experience with their lawyers, as well. You'll likely get some very useful advice from people who are going through something similar to what you are.
Previous Experience
One of the most important factors to consider when hiring a family lawyer for your domestic violence case is previous experience. Prior experience will play a key role in determining how well you are able to communicate with your lawyer, how quickly they will be able to get your case resolved and how comfortable you feel around them. It's crucial that you work with someone who has dealt with issues similar to yours in the past. When it comes to the legal industry, experience is unbeatable.
Open Communication
If your spouse is a threat to your children, you'll want to move quickly. First and foremost, you'll need to create a safety plan that keeps everyone safe in case your spouse tries anything violent. Think about things like hiding cash and copies of important documents, creating a cell phone only your spouse doesn't know about, and so on. Once those are squared away, file for divorce; it will be easier to keep custody if there aren't kids involved yet since domestic violence cases can be tricky when there are kids involved.
Help with the Custody of Kid
When parents decide to divorce, it is quite common for them to disagree about how much time each parent should get with their children. When one parent is violent, it can be challenging to find an agreement that works, as well as stressful when an abusive ex has custody. An experienced Family Lawyer in Melbourne can help ensure you have a fair and safe custody arrangement put in place. If you're dealing with domestic violence or any other form of child abuse at home, it's important to not only talk with your lawyer about obtaining custody but also discuss a safety plan so that your kids are protected. An attorney will work closely with you and help develop a plan that ensures both your and your children's safety.